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研究方向 英语语言文学 外语教学 中医英语翻译

办公室 11419


个人简介 2004年本科毕业于上海外国语大学英语专业毕业后,之后于2007年硕士毕业于上海对外经贸大学外国语言与应用语言学专业。后在上海外国语大学贤达学院任英语讲师。2010年开始在新浦金350vip外语中心教学至今。他坚信,要建立创新型师生关系,以员工发展为本,培养员工发现、探索、解决问题的能力

He graduated as a BA in English literature from Shanghai International Studies University in 2004. After his graduation as a MA from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, he had been working with Xianda college of SISU as a lecturer for 3 years. Since 2010, he has been working in the foreign language teaching center in Shanghai University of Traditional Medicine. He firmly believes that we should establish innovative teacher-student relationship, take student development as the basis, and cultivate students' ability to discover, explore and solve problems.



“新思路英语专业系列教材”综合教程第一册配套数字课程 上海外语教育出版社

CBI教学法在中医院校大学英语课程的运用 新浦金350vip学报